Joshua, Midlands UK

Joshua, is a keen student of mine and is extremely active within The Shark FX community, He focuses his strategy within the New York Session and has a clean cut 2:1 RR Model that is mechanical and has lasted the test of time! I believe josh is very close to success, with his hard work and my guidance he is unstoppable 

Alex, Bedfordshire, UK

Alex came to me seeking education with 2 years experience under his belt, Alex knew the language of trading but struggled to put the pieces together. With my help I have created a Model that aligns with Alex's time (Swing trading) and from the proof work i have uploaded here you can see how things have now changed! Well Done Alex!!!

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Adam p
7 days ago

Very professional and the lessons you gain a lot off knowledge on trading in different ways I didn’t even think I could do from shark FX trading I’m confident I will make a good living from learning theses methods .

Abdul Ali
10 days ago

8/10 I would give you a 10, But your audio on our call was low. Or id give a straight 10.

The shark has a very good understanding of the market, and will teach you how to put together ICT concepts.

Daniel Randall
10 days ago

Best mentor I've ever came across, if you want the real deal its here. In 3 months I've managed to glue a strategy together and I'm seeing results! 10/10

Samir Dragah
10 days ago

Thank you, shark you very clear informative!

Lacey Lane
12 days ago

Amazing and informative website, 👏👌👍

Best about everything I need in one place